Johnny Chang

Narrative Designer & Audio Producer

About Me

🌱 Background

Hello, my name is Johnny Chang. I studied game design at FutureGames in Stockholm, Sweden. Currently, I’m working as an indie game developer.

   Born and raised in Sweden. However, my family’s originally from Taiwan, where I visit regularly, so I’m fairly acquainted with traditional Chinese customs and culture.

🦷 Work Experience

I’ve been working as a dentist for 15 years, with special interest for surgery and dental implants, which has given me the opportunity to work in small but tight teams, interact with new people and solve problems on a daily basis. Developing a sense for facial aestethics and communicating high level facts and findings to non-professionals in an understandable and acceptable way are some of the traits I’ve picked up thanks to the training and experience I’ve receive from many years of on-site work.

   In 2012, I built a dental clinic from ground-up and managed it for five years, during which I got a hands-on understanding of “building wide” versus “building tall” and their pros and cons, and also how building trust and retaining qualitative long-term relations with clients and colleagues take time, but benefit job satisfaction and decrease workload and tensions in the long run.

🧩 Personality

I’m calm, focused and persistant. I prefer to take on tasks one at a time and do them well. When dealing with challenges, I like to observe and assess the situation first, then approach the obstacles in a step-by-step-manner and continously re-evaluate until the path ahead is clear. 

🧘 Internal Exploration

From 2017, I began reserving more time for exploring the areas that had felt more natural to me. This time, through proper education. Studying audio production, oil painting, 3D modeling and animation, and game design theory, finally gave me the confidence and courage I needed to step into the world of game development!

🎲 Games

Computer games have been a part of me since the time of Commodore 64, with games such as “Barbarian” and “The Last Ninja”, moving on to NES games, and 486 PC making me an early adopter of the Golden Age of PC gaming, enjoying titles such as Doom, Civilization, The Settlers, Dune II, Diablo, Master of Magic, Master of Orion, Syndicate, X-Com, Baldur’s Gate, Warcraft, C&C and Starcraft, alongside many, many others.

   Some of my favourite games are X-Com 2, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guild Wars 1 & 2, Civilization I-VI, The Movies, Master of Magic, Jagged Alliance 2, Empire Earth, Saiyuuki World II: Tenjoukai no Majin, Starcraft II, C&C Generals and Red Alert 2.

   Sometimes, I find myself using the in-game customization tool more than playing the game itself… And if I’m able to digitalize family members and promote their true personalities, then they can count on being able to play as themselves in the game!

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⏳ Free Time Interests

Whenever I get the chance to free myself from obligations for awhile, I like to do arts and video editing, read about history as well as scientific innovations, practice archery, watch any kind of movies, and to travel and visit nature and learn about foreign cultures.

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